How Can You Find Housing As A Traveling Nurse?

Life as a traveling nurse can be very exciting. You get to visit new cities, get to know different people, and work in a wide array of hospitals and other settings. When you are first getting into this line of work, however, one of your major concerns might be how you'll find housing. As it turns out, there are plenty of ways to find a place to stay when you're in this industry.

1. Ask Your Agency

When you work as a traveling nurse, you are typically the employee of an agency. Your paycheck comes from this agency, rather than from the hospitals and and other facilities you work for. Travel nursing agencies are well aware that finding short-term housing in city after city is a challenge for their employees, so they aim to make this easier on you. If you reach out, they can help by giving you a list of landlords or apartment communities in the area who offer short-term leases. They may even have several established apartments they rent and offer to nurses like you. This is probably the easiest way to find housing, especially for your first assignment.

2. Reach Out to Nurses Who Are Moving On

When you find out where you will be heading, look up other nurses who are currently working there. Reach out to them and find out where they are living. One of them may be leasing an apartment that they need to sublet to someone when they move on from their current assignment. One may have a spare room in their apartment; you may be able to work out a roommate situation.

3. Use Accommodation Apps

Homesharing apps are really popular among people seeking short-term stays. They have become an alternative to hotels for many people. However, many of the property owners who post their homes on these apps are willing to rent out spaces for a month or a couple of months at a time rather than just a day at a time. If you find a particular apartment you'd like to stay in, reach out to the owner directly. They might be able to offer you a discount on your stay if you want to rent for a longer period. 

Finding housing for traveling nurses might be simpler than you think. You can reach out to your agency for help or follow up with one of these other options. 

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