Why You Should Buy A Single-Family Home Instead Of A Condo

You might be trying to decide whether you should buy a single-family home or a condo. It can be a big decision and both choices could have advantages to them depending on what exactly you want in your home. A condo can be convenient for not having to worry about making your own repairs or maintaining the grounds, and a home can give you the privacy that a larger building just can't.

Why should you buy a single-family home instead of a condo? There are some good reasons it might be a better fit for you. 

You Have Complete Control Over Your Home's Appearance

One of the best benefits of buying a single-family home instead of a condo is it gives you complete control over how you maintain your home and how it looks. A condo only gives you ownership of your unit itself. The condo company owns the building as well as the grounds, and they maintain and renovate the building however they like. Condo owners must get approval for any changes like painting their front door or changing out dishwashers before they do it.

When you own a single-family home, you can renovate, do repairs, make changes to the property, and overall maintain it however you like. You own the entire property, so you can put in a pool if you want, make a garden, paint your front door whatever color you want, and more. This gives you more freedom in the maintenance of your home than if you owned a condo.

If you want to, you can even apply to build onto your home and make it bigger. With a condo, you don't have that option.

A Home Can Be More Private

When you own a single-family home, you will find you have more privacy than if you own a condo. This means you can enjoy your backyard space with no worry of prying eyes or someone talking to you if you want to be alone. You can put up whatever style of fence or foliage you like to give your backyard space privacy while enhancing the look of the space.

A condo, however, has mostly shared outside and indoor spaces with other owners in the building. This means you have to share the pool, picnic and BBQ areas, and even the green spaces. This is ok if you don't mind interacting with your neighbors on a regular basis, but sometimes you just want the peace and quiet of your own space. This is what a single-family home can give you.

Look for single-family homes in an area you like. 

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